June 21, National Aboriginal Day

JUNE 21, 11 A.M.

THE OFFICIAL CEREMONY ON JUNE 21, NATIONAL ABORIGINAL DAY, will take place at the Tiotake site (Émilie-Gamelin Park) at 11:00 a.m., with representatives of the city of Montreal, of the Provincial and Federal governments as well as spokespersons from the First Nations.

June 21 will also see the official launch of the new, revised and expanded edition of an information kit for Aboriginal women of the Americas. This kit is a tool enabling aboriginal women to share their struggles. A new informational guide to the consequences of Law C-31 has been inserted in the information kit that will be distributed throughout the Americas, thereby strengthening links now being developed between women in the North and in the South. This is a joint project of Quebec Native Women, Rights and Democracy and the Enlace network.

Mrs Celinda Sosa won't be among us.
Mrs Sosa had to cancel her visit to Montreal for medical reasons. Therefore she won't join us for the celebration of June 21st. We wish her a swift recovery.


Book launch for Les Algonquins de Trois-Rivières, l'oral au secours de l'écrit, by Claude Hubert and Rémi Savard, with a foreword by Denis Delâge, published under the auspices of Recherches amérindiennes au Québec. The event will happen at the Grande Bibliothèque, room M-450, from 5 p.m. to 7 p.m. in conjunction with les éditions Gallimard.



Are people born shamans, or do they become them? Tales about memories from the womb, the transmission of souls or how the sex of children to be born is determined give us an understanding of an essential aspect of Inuit cosmic vision. Faithful to the outlook of Claude Lévi-Strauss, in whose laboratory he worked for seven years, in Être et renaître Inuit, homme, femme ou chamane Bernard Saladin d'Anglure introduces us to the universal symbols and properties found in Inuit oral tradition.

A book launch for Être et renaître Inuit, homme, femme ou chamane will be held during at the Grande Bibliothèque, room M-450, from 5 p.m. to 7 p.m. in conjunction with les éditions Gallimard.

Solstice des Nations

Le Comité de Fête nationale à Montréal
Le Mouvement national des Québécoise et Québécois
Terres en Vues, société pour la diffusion de la culture autochtone présentent :

Joséphine Bacon

Chloé Ste-Marie

Un « fête à fête » amical pour souligner le passage d'un feu de joie, celui du 21 juin, Jour national des peuples autochtones, à un autre embrasement, celui des feux du 24 juin, Fête nationale des Québécois. Une manifestation d'échang et d'amitié : la chaleur de la rencontre et la lumière du jour se conjuguent pour en faire un moment hautement symbolique. La Terre tourne pour tous et les peuples fêtent leur fraternité sous le soleil à son plus haut.

Un cérémonnial de passage, un rappel historique des accords de la Grande paix de 1701 et de l'écho des paroles de nos ancêtres qui résonne encore dans nos coeurs.

Tous les détails sur www.solsticedesnations.com

Homage to Prizewinners at First Peoples' Festival 2006



An admirable continuity and a commitment to excellence that has never wavered over the years.
  For the fifth time, the magnificent medal of the Prix Dr Bernard Chagnan Assiniwi will recognize the exceptional achievement of a First Nations personality.
  This prize is an opportunity for all of us to honour Bernard Assiniwi's broad body of work, which continues to enlighten awareness and touch our hearts. Throughout his entire life he devoted his best efforts to the well-being of his community. This prize recognizes the priceless contributions of these men and women whose work enriches their original culture.


The Rigoberta Menchu Tum Award crowns the best documentary in this category. Films of urgency, hard-hitting documentaries or the patient inventory of hopes denied. Or, better yet, small communities resisting threatened disappearance. All of these find a place to have their say on Montréal First Peoples' Festival screens. Ms Lesvia Vela, Rigoberta Menchu Tum Foundation representative in Montreal, joins Terres en vues / Land InSights in underlining the emergence of a cinematography of hope and struggle and to spotlight its quality.

The Teueikan Award, named after the Innu sacred drum, pays due homage to the creativity of First Nations filmmakers and video artists. This award honours a fictional work that has distinguished itself in its high quality production, as selected by the festival. The bronze by Inuit sculptor Mattiusi Iyaituk has becomes more and more coveted over the years and has become one of the major awards on the festival circuit devoted to First Nations film.

The Séquences journal prize, created four years ago, is awarded to best documentary.

This prize, awarded for the first time by the Montreal production house Main Film, aims to encourage young filmmakers by providing them access to internships and professional equipment. This is an initiative that we certainly welcome and hope it is just a beginning. Five training workshops offered by Main Film and $500 worth of equipment rental or studio time.