Land InSights bids farewell to Max Gros-Louis, a visionary leader who paved the way for the survival and revival of Indigenous arts. The many eulogies that rightly salute the immense political accomplishments of Chief Gros-Louis should not make us forget the role of promoter and defender of Aboriginal arts and cultures that he was during his entire…
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Land InSights pays tribute to chef Max Gros-Louis
Land in Sights welcomes official announcement of the reconciliation policy of the City of Montreal
The organization behind the International Montreal First Peoples Festival acknowledges that the arts, culture, toponymy and heritage are fully recognized as essential vectors of development in the fields of intercultural dialogue and recognition of the First Nations. Let’s remind that Land in Sights has been, for thirty years, the spearhead of the advancement of Aboriginal…
Women, Earth and Fire: a free-wheeling program in a post-lockdown world

The International First Peoples’ Festival announces that an evolving program, with the general theme of Nomade Land, is about to commence. Innovative and out of isolation, it will extend from August to November, and will be constantly evolving, as activities are announced in the course of the festival, with events developed indoors, online or in…
Statement of Support for the Aboriginal Cultural Embassy DestiNations
For the National Aboriginal Peoples Day, ASFQ would like to reiterate its support for the future cultural embassy DestiNATIONS and invites you to sign the Special Declaration launched in favour of this unique Aboriginal architectural project, whose construction is planned in the Old Port of Montreal.
Celebration of National Indigenous Peoples Day in Montreal

Land In Sights, in accordance with established tradition, will organize a fire ceremony on the island of Montreal on June 21st, at sunrise; on this solstice day, a Mohawk Elder will preside over the ceremonial which, pandemic requires, will be webcast via starting at 5 am. Montrealers are invited, at that time, to open their…
30th Montreal First Peoples Festival – Press Release
Terres en vues Land InSights, in compliance with the requirements of the current situation, cancels all public activities planned for August 2020, in particular those which were to be held as part of the thirtieth Montreal International First Peoples Festival. The team remains on the job. Alternatives are already on the workbench. More information will…
30th Montreal First Peoples Festival – Call for film submissions

(español más abajo) 30th MONTREAL FIRST PEOPLES FESTIVAL Call for film submissions Deadline: March 20 March 31 The Montreal First Peoples Festival is calling on you to submit your audio-visual works for its 30th edition, taking place August 4th to 12th 2020. As always, we will screen a selection of films of all kinds, short and feature-length, representing Indigenous…
The 29th Montreal First Peoples Festival unveils its program

More than ever, for its 29th edition, the festival makes the heart of Montreal beat in tune with the spirit of first peoples of the Americas and the world. Major concerts on the Place des Festivals, international film and video competition, major events in visual and media arts, gastronomy, colloquium, meetings and poetry (August 6…
National Indigenous Peoples Day Celebration in Montreal Valérie Plante et Ghislain Picard in attendance
The most wonderful June 21 in the world! Terres en Vues is pleased to invite you to participate in the June 21st Civic Ceremony on the Clock Tower Quay under the theme “Moving Forward on this Land” in the presence of various dignitaries of aboriginal, cultural and politic backgrounds. In the hi-tech pyramid of Lune Rouge,…
First Peoples Festival takes place August 6th to 14th

Land inSIGHTS is pleased to announce that for our 29th consecutive year, Montreal First Peoples’ Festival will take place in Montreal, summer of 2019, August 6th-14th. At Montreal’s Place des Festivals, from Wednesday the 7th to Sunday the 11th, shows by local and international performers will take place every evening. The festival is screening premiere films from…